With more than two billion Internet users, segmentation converts the mass of millions of people into theme/interest-based niches. These niches are perhaps smaller clienteles/markets but they are often richer in specific needs and especially willing to finance some specialized or customized services.
The three modes
The knowledge society offers three modes of communication :
It appeared first, following research on the mass media during WW II (1939 to 1945): Shannon (1947), Laswell (1948) Schramm (1950), Berelson (1952), Lazarfeld and Katz (1955) and Watzlawick (1967).
It appeared during the 1970s, in the wake of growth in groups interested in interpersonal communication: Palo Alto and Esalen, for example.
It began being popular around the year 2000, although the precursors had explored the world of cultural entertainment and personal computing and created the slogan « Empowering the people » during the 1970s.
The citizen of the XXI century will live in a world that is at once analog, digital and mobile :
The evolution of networks and mobile devices (Nokia, Ericson, Sprint, Samsung, etc.) (See the annual exhibition Mobile World Congress).
The dark sides of our communications tools
In such new situations, it is difficult to identify the dark sides of these communications tools. Look at the conclusions drawn from voting vis-à-vis participating in creating and exchanging specific content. Do voting algorithms return us to the industrial-age logic of audience ratings (which imposes a quantitative dictatorship) ?
With more than two billion Internet users, segmentation converts the mass of millions of people into theme/interest-based niches. These niches are perhaps smaller clienteles/markets but they are often richer in specific needs and especially willing to finance some specialized or customized services.
The three modes
The knowledge society offers three modes of communication :
It appeared first, following research on the mass media during WW II (1939 to 1945): Shannon (1947), Laswell (1948) Schramm (1950), Berelson (1952), Lazarfeld and Katz (1955) and Watzlawick (1967).
It appeared during the 1970s, in the wake of growth in groups interested in interpersonal communication: Palo Alto and Esalen, for example.
It began being popular around the year 2000, although the precursors had explored the world of cultural entertainment and personal computing and created the slogan « Empowering the people » during the 1970s.
The citizen of the XXI century will live in a world that is at once analog, digital and mobile :
The evolution of networks and mobile devices (Nokia, Ericson, Sprint, Samsung, etc.) (See the annual exhibition Mobile World Congress).
The dark sides of our communications tools
In such new situations, it is difficult to identify the dark sides of these communications tools. Look at the conclusions drawn from voting vis-à-vis participating in creating and exchanging specific content. Do voting algorithms return us to the industrial-age logic of audience ratings (which imposes a quantitative dictatorship) ?
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